About us, who are we:

My name is Wiga and I was born in Java, after studying business management I first worked in Taiwan and America for a few years. After that I started working at my uncle's Visa office in Jakarta. Here we organized full service for Indonesians who wanted to work abroad. From study, flights to visas. Here I gained 10 years of experience with many aspects of Immigration/Emigration, accountancy, management and law and regulations.
Then I moved to Bali and met my current husband here, he is from the Netherlands. He had many friends and relatives who wanted to visit Bali. In the beginning almost all of them had problems getting a visa for Bali. I wanted to help them with my experience in this area. The people were satisfied with my help and passed it on to friends. It became busier and busier with visa applications from people all over the world. After that i received many requests from people to help arrange the deeds and paperwork to start a business here. This is now also a growing industry.
Due to the many applications for visas, starting up companies and accountancy, I started my visa office in Bali January 2, 2020. We have an office in Sanur and we work with a team of professional freelancers. This is to keep everything as cheap as possible and so that we are flexible. We can submit everything on time when it is very busy.
Our goal is to completely relieve people of the piles of paperwork and to keep it as cheap as possible so that we can guarantee the lowest price for our service.
Advantages of our office:
• More than 10 years of experience.
•Quick service.
• Cheap.
• Good services with full service and management.
• We speak the following languages: Dutch, English, German, Indonesian and Arabic.
• We have direct contacts with Immigration in Jakarta and Bali, Notaries and Lawyers.
Cheapvisaforbali team